

Our Classes

Hatha ~ Level One

Our Hatha classes are suitable for beginners and intermediate practitioners of yoga. Hatha yoga is a balanced practice blending dynamic movement with strong and restorative poses. 

  • Excellent entry point for yoga
  • Great for balance and flexibility
  • A whole body focus
  • Open for all levels
  • If you are unable to get up and down from the floor unassisted, please contact our team to discuss options
    • Yoga mat**
    • Water

** We have a small number of mats spare and therefore cannot guarantee a mat.

  • Arrive 5-10min prior to the class commencement time
  • Unfortunately, late arrivals cannot be accepted, unless discussed prior with teacher
  • Turn all mobile devices onto silent (not vibrate), or flight mode.
  • Please use the bathroom prior to class commencement
  • If nature calls during class, please feel free to quietly leave and return.

Vinyasa ~ Level Two

Vinyasa yoga is an energising, dynamic flow to awaken to body and mind. Vinyasa moves at a slightly faster pace than Hatha fully embraces the connection of breath and movement as poses are strung together. 

  • Energising, whole-body workout
  • Learn to connect breath with movement
  • Great for building strength and stamina
  • Best suited for those with some yoga experience.
  • Yoga mat**
  • Water
  • A towel


**We have a small number of mats spare and therefore not guarantee a mat.

  • Arrive 5-10min prior to the class commencement time
  • Unfortunately, late arrivals cannot be accepted, unless discussed prior with teacher
  • Turn all mobile devices onto silent (not vibrate), or flight mode.
  • Please use the bathroom prior to class commencement
  • If nature calls during class, please feel free to quietly leave and return.

Yoga Nidra ~ All Levels

Yoga Nidra is a deeply restful practice. It is sometimes referred to as Yogic Sleep. In Yoga Nidra, you are lying down comfortably for the entire practice as you are guided into a state of conscious sleep. You are welcome to bring along a pillow and blanket.

  • You do not need to do anything, just be
  • Excellent for the deep rest and relaxation
  • Very calming and soothing
  • Feelings of peace and wellbeing
  • Open to all levels
  • Please contact our team if you are unable to lay on your back

This list below is “nice to have” and make the experience more comfortable, they are by no means essential. Yoga Nidra can be practiced without any props, and you are welcome to bring as much, or as little, as you wish.

  • A mat or blanket to lay on
  • A blanket to place over you in cooler months
  • A pillow
  • An eye pillow
  • Arrive 5-10min prior to the class commencement time
  • Unfortunately, late arrivals cannot be accepted, unless discussed prior with teacher
  • Turn all mobile devices onto silent (not vibrate), or flight mode.
  • Please use the bathroom prior to class commencement
  • If nature calls during class, please feel free to quietly leave and return.